My friend Pru and I were SUPPOSED to go to Glebe Saturday morning markets today and after trudging through the rain and trying very very very hard not to slip and fall on my ass
("OH SHIT I almost stacked it moments" = 5) -
THERE WERE NO MARKETS. RAGEEEEEEEEEE. All was not lost though, we browsed through a few quality thrift stores and took a trip inside Utopia on Broadway. I managed to snag this baby despite Pru's head shaking. It's over the top, a little too heavy metal and far too sharp. Of course I fell in love with it and wore it for the rest of the day. It's only about 3 inches long but definitely a statement piece. I had a few "whoa watch out" comments from people.
My denim motorcycle jacket smells like a wet dog, my back is hurting like a mofo and the rain practically washed my makeup off an hour into our day, but all in all it was worth it.

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