I sniped these pictures of Alexander Wang and his gang from the March issue of Interview Mag, hence "Wang Gang". I don't really like it. Maybe I have a subconscious aversion to anything Erin Wasson after her horrendous collection? I do like Wang as a designer, his pieces are original and out there.
However, these look like they were screen caps taken from the Zoolander sequel, where Hansel makes his own collection and all the models wonder what leather is made of. I don't know, maybe it's deep seated hatred for flawless and naturally beautiful people (HI MANFRIEND) but this looks so goddamn pretentious. I guess for those "I don't care about fashion I'm going to wear whatever I want eventhough it parallels every mainstream trend at the moment because it's totally awesome" psuedo-avant garde people this is appealing.
The entire concept of the shoot is actually pretty fun. It's always nice to see a designer so involved with the people who wear and model their clothing. The youtube video I found (google wang gang and it'll bring it up) shows them having a hell of a time, it also had a banging track playing. Do I agree with the styling? Not really. Do I like boobs out and about for no reason? Not really. Do I like the fact they all look like rejects from a Kesha video? Not at all. But whatever, it works and they managed to take some great shots which represents Wang and his gang in their truest form.

Images from Interview Magazine March 2010
mehhh...the second photo is cool tho :)