March 8, 2010

So wrong.

Diesel is usually pretty cool. It's normally a very wearable label. I do like the feel of some of their Fall Ready to Wear 2010 line. There's that fantastic burgundy leather jacket, the unusually cut denim skirt, the leather shorts, the black leather skirt with the really unusual waist and of course the semi-sheer almost tattoo looking tops. There's a lot of great looks and closet staples. It's laid back with a carefree rock star flavour. Even the jeans I agree with and I normally hate that shit.(I added some flannel-y plaid for Mia.)

On the other hand; they have what looks to be a mouldy faded black sweat shirt straight off the Derelicte racks, a knit skivvy that was viciously attacked by a lawn mower, a dress that had a brief fling with Levis in the 90's and ended up in Erin Wasson's closet, a confused hippie who was on his way to Woodstock but hired as a lumberjack, let's not even talk about the riddle that is this model's gender/outfit and the most unflattering full length overalls some Grandmother from Iowa donated to the Salvation army, even Karlie Kloss can't make it look good. I don't know, maybe try Snejana Onopka next time? I don't know, it's just all sorts of wrong to me.

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